
Discrimination affects not only people who experience it themselves, but everyone – even if not all of us equally! 


Anti-discrimination work needs many active people who are willing to use their abilities, capabilities, and resources!

The next free dates for workshops and lectures are possible again from January 2023.

We are currently revising our offer, which you will soon find on our site!

A Discrimination Critical Perspective

  • is seldom thought about and challenges previous knowledge, concepts and traditional values and norms
  • Leads to uncertainty, can generate negative emotions, resistance and defensiveness
  • Is a (life)long process

Our offers are carried out by differently positioned trainers in mixed spaces. This means that these spaces are not free of power inequality. Knowledge production is always connected with power: Which knowledge counts, who is heard and who is questioned, who is adequately compensated and which knowledge is exploited? All of these questions affect participants on the ground in different ways.

In order for everyone to work well in a workshop we require:

A willingness …
… for critical self-reflection and confrontation with inner resistances and defense mechanisms
…to critically reflect on one’s own social positioning and to assume responsibility
…to help shape and support a mindful learning space
… to participate voluntarily in the offer

Discrimination as a term is widely used – but often without knowing exactly what it means. In addition, ignorance, insecurity, excessive demands or resistance mean that discrimination is often not recognized, not taken seriously or played down.

Our aim is to establish a professional understanding of discrimination that focuses on the social and institutional dimension.

Possible topics

  • Discrimination from an experiential perspective with focus on social power relations, if necessary focus on a specific characteristic (racism, adultism, sexism etc.)
  • Discrimination in the General Equal Treatment Act (AGG)
  • Sensitization to and critical reflection on one’s own positioning as well as power-critical analysis of one’s own work contexts
  • Empowerment-oriented work in the field of racism: advice and support for BIPoC and their organizations

Possible topics


  • Diskriminierung aus erfahrungsorientierter Perspektive mit Fokus auf gesellschaftliche Machtverhältnisse, ggfls. Fokus auf ein bestimmtes Merkmal (Rassismus, Adultismus, Sexismus etc.)
  • Diskriminierung im Allgemeinen Gleichbehandlungsgesetz (AGG)
  • Sensibilisierung zur und kritische Reflexion der eigenen Positionierung sowie machtkritische Analyse der eigenen Arbeitskontexte
  • Empowerment-orientiertes Arbeiten im Themenfeld Rassismus: Beratung und Begleitung für BIPoC und ihre Organisationen

We offer various opportunities for qualification: Lectures, workshops or further training. We will be happy to work with you to develop an offer that is tailored to your needs, interests and experience.